Kérjük támogasd azzal az oldalt, hogy a reklámblokkolókat kikapcsolod. Köszönjük!


  • Distance of tour : 69 km
  • Hardness of tour : Könnyű
  • Levels : +501 m,-501 m
  • Average slope: 0.9 %

Before you start...

Cycling in the forest is regulated by the law, and these rules can change. Before you go on your hiking or riding tour, please check current forest law and start riding only if it is permitted.

  • Distance of tour : 65 km
  • Hardness of tour : Könnyű
  • Levels : +554 m,-553 m
  • Average slope: 1.4 %

The tour follows a designated blue cycling sign, visiting the solar system's planets in scale 1: 350,000,000. The central planet is the Sun, which has 4 meters’ diameter in this modelled solar system. The further planet sizes and distances can be compared to this.

During the tour we visit Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Saturn, Uranus, Pluto, Neptune, a comet and finally Jupiter

While exploring the planets, we get familiar with the natural and built treasures of the area. We pass through the settlements of Sülysáp, Tápiószecső, Tápióság, Gomba, Bénye, Monorierdő, Monor, Mende and Úri.

Unfortunately, the marking is difficult to follow in some places, but it is already planned to improve this. It is strongly recommended that you take the track of the route with you to the trip.

Ajánlott kiadványok


Támogasd a működésünket

Ha tetszett a cikk, kérlek támogasd a munkánkat önkéntes adománnyal a Revolutos számlánkra bankkártyás fizetéssel. Ezáltal még több hasonló cikket fogunk tudni készíteni a szórakoztatásodra.

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